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Babassu Oil Beard Oil

Babassu Oil Beard Oil

How to Say Babassu

Still not sure how to say it???  Don't feel bad....I had to look it up also over 3 years ago.  Click this link and hit the megaphone: How to say Babassu

Does babassu oil grow hair?

Babassu Oil is packed with Vitamin E which helps make it anti-viral and anti-bacterial.  Being very high in vitamin E also helps improve blood flow to the skin and that can help promote healthy and quicker growing hairs.

What does Babassu Oil do for hair?

Well, it is a Palm based oil very similar to coconut oil in looks and how it acts.....but the biggest difference is how lightweight this oil truly is.

Babassu Oil is so lightweight you actually don't have to wash it out of your hair.  I mean, if this was the only thing you put in your hair then no washing needed….but I can see crumbs from your lunch in your beard….so wash it.

Babassu oil is loaded with lauric acid, stearic acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid and oleic acid. Spoiler alert…..all great fatty acids for your skin and beard hair!  It helps lock in the moisture so it can't escape your hair and skin.  

Babassu Oil is a solid....yeah you read that right....a solid at room temp. 

How in the world can you use that in your oil then?  Well mixed at the right concentration and temperature it melts down perfectly.  I wanted to go through this extra step of melting it because I loved it so much and I knew it would be amazing for your beard and skin!

What skin type is babassu oil good for?

Babassu Oil is so cool...literally.  The melting point is the same temperature as our bodies so that means as it melts on your skin it has a cooling effect that draws out heat from your skin giving you immediate relief.  It is an amazing oil for those who deal with eczema or rosacea.

Babassu Oil simply is Amazing for Hair and Skin

It helps lock in moisture so beard hair is less prone to breakage and also helps reduce the frizziness of your beard!  It certainly has earned its place in our beard oil.

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8-bit Beard Co.

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1 comment

Never even tried 2 pronounce babassu. Just looked at it. Sounds awesome with all it provides.

Fitz Roy,

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